
How Who You Are Impacts How You Feel

Personality: it’s not just about who you are, but it can also have a profound impact on your health and wellbeing. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the fascinating relationship between your personality traits and your overall health. You’ll learn how different aspects of your personality can influence your physical and mental wellbeing, and gain insights into how you can use this knowledge to lead a happier and healthier life.

Understanding Personality: A Brief Overview

Before we dive into the connections between personality and health, let’s take a moment to understand what personality is all about. Personality refers to the unique set of characteristics, traits, and behaviors that make you who you are. It’s the way you think, feel, and act in various situations, and it tends to remain relatively stable over time.

The Big Five Personality Traits

One of the most widely accepted models of personality is the Big Five Personality Traits. These traits are:

  1. Openness to Experience: This trait reflects your willingness to try new things, your curiosity, and your creativity.
  2. Conscientiousness: Conscientious individuals are organized, responsible, and reliable.
  3. Extraversion: Extraverts are outgoing, social, and tend to seek out excitement and stimulation.
  4. Agreeableness: Agreeable people are cooperative, empathetic, and kind.
  5. Neuroticism: High levels of neuroticism are associated with emotional instability and a tendency to experience negative emotions like anxiety and anger.

Personality and Physical Health

Your personality can significantly impact your physical health in various ways. Let’s explore how each of the Big Five Personality Traits relates to your overall wellbeing.

Openness to Experience and Health

Openness to experience can lead to better health outcomes in several ways. People high in this trait are more likely to engage in creative activities like art or music, which can reduce stress and improve mental health. They may also be more open to trying alternative therapies and holistic health practices, which can complement traditional medical treatments.

Conscientiousness and Health

Conscientious individuals tend to lead healthier lives. They are more likely to follow medical advice, adhere to medication regimens, and maintain a regular exercise routine. Their organized nature also helps them manage stress effectively, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Extraversion and Health

While extraverts often enjoy social support and have active social lives, which can be beneficial for mental health, they may also engage in riskier behaviors like excessive alcohol consumption or reckless activities. Striking a balance between socializing and making healthy choices is essential for extraverts.

Agreeableness and Health

Agreeable individuals tend to have strong social connections and support networks. These relationships contribute to their overall wellbeing by reducing stress and providing emotional support during challenging times. Moreover, their cooperative nature fosters positive interactions, promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Neuroticism and Health

High neuroticism can be detrimental to both physical and mental health. Individuals with this trait may be more prone to chronic stress, anxiety disorders, and depression. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, therapy, or mindfulness practices is crucial for improving overall health.

Personality and Mental Wellbeing

Your personality doesn’t just affect your physical health—it also plays a pivotal role in your mental wellbeing.

Openness to Experience and Mental Wellbeing

Open individuals are more likely to embrace change and adapt to new situations. This adaptability can lead to lower levels of anxiety and depression, as they view challenges as opportunities for growth.

Conscientiousness and Mental Wellbeing

Conscientious individuals often experience less stress because of their excellent time management and organizational skills. They tend to set realistic goals and work diligently towards achieving them, which contributes to a sense of accomplishment and overall life satisfaction.

Extraversion and Mental Wellbeing

Extraverts thrive on social interactions, which can boost their mood and mental wellbeing. However, they should be mindful of overextending themselves socially, as burnout can negatively impact mental health.

Agreeableness and Mental Wellbeing

Agreeable individuals tend to have harmonious relationships and lower levels of interpersonal conflict. This contributes to reduced stress and anxiety, fostering a more positive outlook on life.

Neuroticism and Mental Wellbeing

High levels of neuroticism are closely associated with mood disorders and heightened emotional distress. Managing negative emotions through therapy, meditation, or mindfulness techniques can significantly improve mental wellbeing.

How to Use Your Personality for Better Health and Wellbeing

Now that we’ve explored the connections between personality and health, you may be wondering how to leverage this knowledge to enhance your own wellbeing. Here are some practical tips tailored to each of the Big Five Personality Traits:

Tips for Open Individuals

  • Embrace your creativity through artistic pursuits or trying out new hobbies.
  • Explore alternative healing methods like acupuncture or meditation.
  • Seek out new experiences and adventures to keep life exciting.

Tips for Conscientious Individuals

  • Maintain a well-organized schedule to reduce stress.
  • Set achievable goals and celebrate your accomplishments.
  • Prioritize a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Tips for Extraverts

  • Nurture your social connections and seek support when needed.
  • Balance socializing with self-care to avoid burnout.
  • Engage in group activities to feed your social energy.

Tips for Agreeable Individuals

  • Foster positive relationships by practicing active listening and empathy.
  • Be mindful of setting boundaries to avoid being taken advantage of.
  • Channel your agreeableness into volunteer work or community involvement.

Tips for Neurotic Individuals

  • Practice stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness or deep breathing exercises.
  • Seek professional help when dealing with overwhelming emotions.
  • Build a strong support network to lean on during challenging times.


Your personality is a powerful force that shapes various aspects of your life, including your health and wellbeing. Understanding how your personality traits influence your physical and mental health can empower you to make informed choices and lead a more fulfilling life. Embrace your unique personality and use it as a tool for better health and happiness.